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Pastoral Leads Network Meetings

Our links with Public Health England and the Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Education teams are of significant importance to us.  

Early Years and Primary Pastoral Lead Network Meetings

The meetings provide a platform for Pastoral Leads/ MH&W leads in Early Years and Primary schools to hear about the latest offers and opportunities that are available to support schools, teachers, students and parents. 

Purpose of the Network

  • To provide an opportunity for professionals in Hertfordshire's early years/primary schools to network, share best practice and challenges, and to link with relevant partners from across the Hertfordshire mental health system.
  • To provide a focussed forum for discussions relating to whole-school mental health and emotional wellbeing.
  • To enable a consistent approach across the whole county, but with the flexibility for local areas to discuss the issues most pertinent to them.  

Please find dates in our monthly newsletters.

Secondary Pastoral Lead Network Meetings

Pastoral lead networks for secondary schools are in place across Hertfordshire and offer useful forums by which schools and relevant partner agencies can share information and work together supportively to address issues and highlight examples of best practice.   

Please find dates in our monthly newsletters.