Early Years
Early Years SEND Team
This service is for children who have complex or significant additional needs, identified either by parents and/or health services or early years settings working with the child, within the areas of learning, language and communication, sensory and physical needs and social emotional development.
Katie Dean - Early Years Lead Teacher (East) - Katie.Dean@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Denise Filer - Early Years Emotional & Wellbeing Specialist - Denise.filer@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Mary O'Neill - Early Years Inclusion Development Officer - Mary.ONeill@hertfordshire.gov.uk
For further details please click link below:
Early Years advice line
The EY advice line is in place to help you with any queries you may have. It's available during term time on Wednesday 9am - 12pm and Thursday 1.30pm - 4pm. Call 01442 453 920.
Funding for the Provision of Support for SEND and Additional Needs in the Early Years
A Early Years funding system was introduced in June 2023. If the child is known to the EY SEND team, you can speak to them about an Early Years Funding Consultation. If the child is not known to this team, then you simply complete a Single Service Request Form. Tick Early Years SEND Team and request an Early Years Funding Consultation. The process stated in the attached guidance will then begin. EY funding applications are not able to be sent directly to the DSPL Team for LHNF Panels. If agreed, these will be sent by the EY team and we will contact you following the DSPL LHNF Panel.
SEMH and Behaviour Support for EY
Early Years Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Specialists have specialised knowledge, skills and experience supporting children with social, emotional and behavioural needs in the Early Years. They work with Early Years providers to develop therapeutic behaviour support in their settings. They work with a small number of individual children who may be at risk of placement breakdown due to their emotional and behavioural needs.
Early Years Therapeutic Approaches to Behaviour (TAB) - training dates attached below.
All the Early Years SEND team information is available here. You can also use this link to find the referral forms.